DEMAND360 captures demand signals in every country on the planet.
Our language-agnostic platform uncovers global demand for local productions.
We measure total market demand across SVOD, AVOD, linear and cable.
TV Demand unlocks unprecedented insights into global cross-platform TV series audience demand across OTT, pay TV and broadcast television in any market.
Movie Demand provides unrivalled insights into global cross-platform audience demand for movies across OTT, pay TV and linear networks in any market.
Talent Demand aggregates audience demand for any given talent (i.e. actor, politician, personality) to identify their precise audience demand comparative to their peers, in any given market.
The Audience Demographics add-on module gives you the confidence to make better decisions by leveraging demographic insights across TV, movie and talent products.
Audience Demographics is a DEMAND360 add-on module. It is automatically enabled for all products purchased on a DEMAND360 enterprise subscription.
TV DemandTalent DemandMovie Demand
The Audience Sentiment add-on module helps you understand the underlying sentiment that is driving demand for a talent.
Audience Sentiment is a DEMAND360 add-on module. It can be purchased as an add-on to Talent Demand, available on an DEMAND360 enterprise subscription.
Talent Demand
Monetize audiences in today's attention economy with the industry’s most advanced supply and demand products.