Inform your content strategy with a complete picture of viewing habits and understanding of competitive platforms. Optimize content selection, programming and personalized recommendations to increase ROI and retention. #streamonomics

Decode the economics of streaming to drive profitability

Do we maximize content ROI through licensing or in-house programming?

Understand the implications and tradeoffs of licensing content to third parties, keeping it in-house or using an in-between model. Know exactly how much a title would be worth to various platforms to make the best licensing decisions.

What is the best release strategy for my content?

Ensure your upcoming series and movie premieres are a success with unparalleled insights into historical demand patterns. Analyze the performance of different release strategies to understand the pros and cons of each approach.

What is the revenue contribution of a show or movie to my platform?

Know exactly how much a movie or series is worth to your platform over time. Understand which titles will bring in new subscription revenue and which titles will retain high churn-risk subscribers.

Which OTT platform is ‘winning’ a particular genre?

Understand which titles, genres and catalogs are most popular among audiences. See how OTT platforms are performing based on the audience demand and content supply across specific genres.

Let’s unlock new value together

Answer virtually any business question with solutions tailored to your needs.

Partner with us to make better strategic decisions.

Lightbox is New Zealand’s fastest-growing on-demand service provider and has succeeded alongside the big international streaming players and national broadcasters with a large contribution from the market intelligence we receive from Parrot Analytics. Armed with their real-time audience demand data, which also gives us insights on pre-release and off-season content popularity, we are able to maximize our content acquisition and marketing budgets and compete for the best international programming available.

Hema Patel
General Manager, Lightbox
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